By greeting everyone, I started the second phase of the series Tiune on my CSS. In the last episode we learned about CSS. Now we will discuss a crucial step in the selector of CSS. What is CSS Selector? Selector is the oxygen of the CSS. Just like the ones without oxygen do not live, just like selector CSS is stale. So we will talk about the selector today . Because, by this selector we will associate the HTML elements with the CSS code. So, you can understand. To learn CSS, it is important to know about our Selector. Structure of Selector: SELECTOR {PROPERTY: VALUE} Take a look at the code above. Here I have written two elements under the Selector. One is the property and the other is Value. Here's the element that I can use as I like. Mudkatha, Property I will manage as I do. And the other alignment value. Understand that it is a standard related alliance Yes, Value essentially refers to property specific value. Now suppose I will create a direct connection of HTML with CSS and that which I completely change / amplify or amend / edit like I do. The element that we will now use is selector Name. Selector Name p {PROPERTY: VALUE} Here p refers to HTML's paragraph tag. Which has CSS as selector name. Ending the series of empirical tunes today is here. In the next tune, we will discuss the three elements of writing CSS (Internal, External and Inline). A word for everyone Suppose you know all the HTML, CSS, PHP, MySql or above, Visual Studio or ASP.Net. You are also an expert programmer. But if you are told, just tune a series with just a few of the hardest things left out. I'm sure if you do not tune in, you'll get a lot of trouble. Because, if you can do all of the tune, you need to take the help of the Internet to move from the first step to the second step. Because, there are arrangements arranged in the order of which you can teach HTML or other languages ​​when you learn it. So, as much as I know, I have to take help from the internet. Why do you have to take it? Because, you will not be able to learn so much on my head so that you can learn how to teach them. So, knowing from the internet that I will learn how to do a series after tune-up, you will be able to present yourself in front of yourself. Please do not comment on this mystery that someone seems very small to me. 

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